• eileen brown



    Struggling, insomniac writer, professional worrier, expert prevaricator...finally taking a huge leap into the unknown; wordpress...currently reading too much and writing too little, loves the feel and smell of old books and the ease of an ereader, loves writing, but hasn't for a long time. (Not very technically minded so please bear with me in developing this blog) Would a list of loves tell you more about me? Smells: fresh cut grass, linen dried outside, book shops - old and new, fresh ground coffee, fresh baked bread, my grandchildren, furniture wax, Arpege, newsprint, the beach in the rain, bars with books, cigar smoke. Sounds: lawnmovers in the distance on a warm day, letters dropping on my mat, unexpected knocks on the door, kids playing in the distance, blues music...well, actually all music, Radio 4 and Radio4Extra. Hates: hypocrisy, hurting people, grey days, cold, social division, eye clinics, boybands, rats

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NaPoWriMo Unrequited

Keep Your Heart

Keep Your Heart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



His reluctant eyes

tried not to watch others,

not to hear their whispered


which filled his withered heart

with longing.


Next to her at night,


he yearned for her


an opening out.


her harsh replies

encrusted him in


and her sharp


turned him inside out;


the heart

he wore on his sleeve.


